This Ultra Adventure

becoming an ultra runner 1 mile at a time


By on July 29, 2020

Online Coaching for Team RunRun


I enjoy working with runners of all experience levels, from someone who is just starting out, to a veteran getting ready for a 100 mile ultra. I’m particularly interested in working with anyone wanting to do their first ultra, focusing on injury prevention and post-injury running, running after pregnancy and parents trying to balance running with family. I will meet you where you are in your training. Whether your goal is to get faster, build endurance, train for a specific race or even just to learn to enjoy running, I can help you through the process.


I want to help guide you to new levels of fitness through a training plan, but I also want to be there as a person of support and motivation. I am a big believer in consistency and routine. Enjoying the process of training is the best way to keep to running long term. Celebrating small wins along the way and learning from setbacks are part of this process. There’s a quote I like: “Real supermen don’t leap over buildings in a single bound, they take small, determined steps over time.”

Every runner needs something different, so I believe not only in personalized workouts, but an entirely personalized approach.

Here’s what you can expect when training with me:

Daily communication (email, text) and a weekly overview (email, phone call or video chat)
A personalized training program based on your experience, motivations, goals and schedule
2-3 weeks of training schedule in advance
Recommendations for strength exercises for injury prevention/recovery
Flexibility in your training schedule (sometimes life happens!)
Advice and recommendations on race prep and race nutrition. Planning can be the difference between a great race and a good race!
Motivation and encouragement to help you to stay positive even when it’s difficult. I believe that mindset is the most important part of running. A positive outlook can get you through a hard workout, or to a new distance that you never thought was possible!

Coaching Experience

I have 2 years of experience coaching an elementary school cross county team, 1 season of Girls on the Run and 30 years of running-related experience which includes track and cross country throughout middle and high school. I also enjoy coaching and giving training advice to friends. I spend a lot of my time researching training, nutrition and strength exercises for injury prevention.

About Me

I live in Columbus, Ohio with my husband, Dave and my daughters, Eleanor and Maeve (7 and 2 yrs old). I come from a family of dedicated runners: My mom was a high school cross country coach for 20 years and my dad started running ultras over 20 years ago. Now they both pace and crew for me in my races! I started running when I was about 6 years old and it has always been an important part of my daily routine. My husband is also a runner, so balancing training with family life is something that we’ve worked really hard to figure out!

Big Influences

David Roche and Jason Koop are both influences on how I train but I have also had amazing coaches and mentors along the way that have been encouraging while pushing me to be my best. I’m also influenced by Chad Wright, Courtney Dauwalter and David Goggins. for their dedication to the mental side of running, and the development of mental toughness.

Racing History

I’ve been running for nearly my whole life and just started getting into ultras about 2 years ago when I ran the Outdoor X 12 hour race. I finished 47 miles and loved every minute of it! Since then, I’ve completed a 50k, 40 mile race, 50 mile race and 100 mile race. I still like to mix in a 10k or half marathon here and there though! I’m currently training for the Rim to River 100 in November.


10k: 50:28 (2015 Run Like a Girl 10k, Columbus, OH)
1/2 marathon: 1:59:12 (2014 Cap City Half Marathon, Columbus, OH)
20k: 2:51:17 (2019 Rocks and Roots Trail Series, Lewis Center, OH)
30k: 4:05:08 (2020 Rocks and Roots Trail Series, Lewis Center, OH)
40 miles: 9:25:17 (2019 Glacial Esker 40, Albion, IN)
50 miles: 12:48 (2019, Mohican Trail Race, Loudonville, OH)
100 miles: 29:24:30 (2019 Indiana Trail 100, Albion, IN) (
6 hour: 30.78 miles (2020 Rise Up Ultra Virtual Race)
12 hour: 47.4 miles (2018 Outdoor X 12 hour Run, Dayton, OH)

For more information or to get started, click the link below!