This Ultra Adventure

becoming an ultra runner 1 mile at a time

A “Team Run Run” Review: From the Perspective of an Athlete Turned Coach

By on September 28, 2020

I recently started coaching with Team RunRun and have had such a positive experience, I wanted to share….


I started working with Team RunRun in June 2019 as an athlete. I was training for my first 100 mile race, and felt like I needed a little more guidance in getting there. I found Matt Urbanski after some internet searching, and after an email and a phone call, I signed up! Matt is the co-owner (with his wife, Julie) of Team RunRun.

Team RunRun’s coaching is done via an online training platform, email and text message. Working with Matt gave me the confidence to push myself to run further and faster in my training without the fear of getting injured. Matt was always encouraging and positive, while still pushing and challenging me to be at my best. Prior to this, I had never thought about using a coach as an adult. Now, I know that there is a such a powerful benefit to working with a coach who can guide you to reach your goals.


In July 2020, I made the decision to become a coach for Team RunRun. I have always been very passionate about all things running! I spend a lot of time talking about running, planning for upcoming races and researching new training methods. I’ve been a coach for my daughter’s running club at school for the past few years, and love the enthusiasm the kids already have for running and moving their bodies. When the pandemic hit and all activities were cancelled, I felt like something was missing in my life. During one of my early morning runs ( when I often get my best ideas!) it hit me that I should try online coaching.

I’m now coaching several athletes and I absolutely love it! Matt and Julie at Team RunRun have been very supportive and want to see their coaches and athletes succeed. Even while they are living in New Zealand, they are super responsive to questions. They have created a community for both athletes and coaches to support one another through Facebook, Strava and online forums on Athletes can also access gear reviews, race reports and race intel as well as a new ambassador program. I’m excited to be a part of this growing company and can’t wait to see where my coaching journey takes me!

Coaching Info

If you have every considered working with a coach to help you reach the next level in your running, let me know! In addition to training, I also offer strength training for injury prevention, gear recommendations, and most importantly, mental coaching! We are all capable of so much more than we believe!

Here’s the link to my profile:

Or check out this post for more info: